Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This Last Weekend

      I started the morning by going on a date with a guy named Phil. He is an incredible musician. He comes to open-mic might each week and does a great job. Anyway, we went to the temple, and then we went to breakfast at Denny's. It was really good!
      Immediately after that, I went to the bank and got out the money for my new Ibanez guitar!

      I saw it on KSL and I fell in love! I didn't want to go alone so I asked C.J. to come with me and he kindly accepted. We went up to SLC and got the beauty, it came with the following :Guitar, amp, chords, microphone, microphone stand, guitar case, and hard case for the guitar all for $500. It was a steal! It reeks of cigarettes though. especially the microphone. But hey! I got it all cheap!

     When we got back to Utah County, we went to Pizza Pie Cafe and C.J. had a plate/bowl of pasta and 12 pieces of pizza including dessert pizzas. I can't believe I thought I could challenge him.
     Then we went back to my house to test out my new baby and all of the equipment but then C.J. got a text from his friend Ben. The guy I was going to be recording for. So... we went to Provo to record. Ben as a cool setup in his back yard. kind of a sound-proof shed. It was a lot of fun. I am going to try to post the song on my "music" blog. Check it out. maybe...
     Then I went home for dinner and such and then I called my visiting teaching companion, Barbara, and asked her what she was up to, she asked me if I was going to go play ice broom-hockey. I was planning on it, so she asked me for a ride. Barbara and I had a lot of fun chatting it up while we waited for the boys to show up. We went with my cousins Jason and Skyler Carr, and C.J.  The next day, everyone was so sore, and some of us bruised. It was so worth it though. So fun!

     Saturday, I woke up to my mom saying "wanna go get breakfast at Costa?" it was after 11. Awesome. So, we went to Costa and then we went to the massage school to set up appointments. Then my dad and I went to Walmart and got some coffee ice cream, and some Symphony bars. Then we all went and got our massages. Mine was AWESOME, the guy had really warm hands and did a great job. I'd suggest that everyone go get a massage within the next month. you'll love it! 
     I went home, watched some Grey's with my loving mother (it's getting intense!) Then I went and got some free "hot chocolate" (it was more like melted dark-chocolate.) I couldn't finish mine cuz it was so strong, so C.J. had to "prove his manliness" and drink all of his and then all of mine. After that we went to his house and played some BS with his mom and sisters and we enjoyed some no-bake cookies. I had never had no-bake cookies before but I fell in love that night with no-bake cookies. While we were playing, Amanda -C.J.'s youngest sister- put C.J.'s mullet in a ponytail.
      Then Izak Lowe, Nick, and Beau came over and we played some Scum, and then after Izak, Nick and Beau left, we all played the Car Game when Janna Mills came over. I love her lots. That Car Game was so much fun! My abs were actually sore the next day from laughing so hard!

     I taught relief society on Sunday. It went really well I think. Who wouldda thought things would run smoother when you plan them out. I was still nervous though. Then I went home and had some delicious Papa Murphy's pizza and Diet Coke Lime. mmm :) Then I showed my family the youtube video on the Media part of my blog. They loved it! It's hillarious! but it takes some time. you want to set aside time to watch it because all of it is hilarious! Then I had to do the talent at ward prayer. So I took my Ciguitar (cigarette guitar) and played and sang More by Tyrone Wells. I was SO NERVOUS! Love my new guitar though! 
     Later, C.J. invited me to go to Izak's house and play some more Scum. When I got to C.J.'s though, he said Izak and them were done playing so instead, he and I just sat in his living room and he made me play the song that I sang at ward prayer. And then we just sat in there talking forever while C.J. played his guitar and then I realized I was tired, he looked at the time and it was like 1:50 a.m. yikes.
     It was great fun! Fun stories. 

Sorry this post was FOREVER long! It was just a loaded weekend!


  1. Awesome deal on the guitar! Looks like you had a very fun weekend. I love that Janna Mills lots too! The picture with you and the mic is super cute!

  2. Busy fun weekend! I can't believe CJ could eat that much ha ha.
