Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So February is going to be my month of pushing myself. I've made a list of things that need fixing in my life and how I can fix it, or just things that I already do well, but I want to be better.

This month, I will...

-Get out of bed when my alarm goes off instead of laying there trying to not fall back asleep.

-Read 2 chapters of the Book of Mormon each day instead of 1

-Not get on Facebook. (expect a lot more blog posts this month.)

-Burn a hundred calories per day more than my January average. (I couldn't figure out how to word that)

-Get my assignments done before the day before they're due.

-Not talk about things that make me sad unless talking about it is going to fix it.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I will more than wish you luck, I will help you in any way you accept. We can talk about what you would find helpful.
