Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Feb 25-26th

Well, heres another weekend update:
I slept in until like 10, went to the temple, came home, got ready for work, went to work at 2, and worked until 10:30. yikes, I know! BUT I sit by Olivia and her friends and we got to have a lot of fun. it wasn't very busy that night. luckily because pretty much no one stayed as late as we did. Anyway, after that, I was goingt o go and play some good ole broom-hockey, but I was super tired so instead, I watched a movie at C.J.'s house. we built a fantastic fort. I'm pretty sure I'm a professional fort builder. Forget Marriage and Family Therapy, I will build forts for a living! Anyway, we watched The Man Who Knew Too Little. I had never even heard of it but I guess it's C.J.'s favorite movie. Or up at the top of the list. I Loved it! I dont know how I had gone my whole life never seeing it! So funny, and super clever. I suggest that you see it sometime soon if you never have, cuz it's just great!

I slept in again (I love weekends) organized some music on my computer, got Costa with my parents, and then came home and watched the first few episodes of Grey's Anatomy, Season 6 with my mom. Then I decided I wanted to go buy lipstick. Usually I would say that I'm not very affected by the media. I don't usually do my hair or wear clothes like celebrities, but since I've started watching Grey's, I've tried parting my hair in the middle and then i decided I would go buy some red lipstick. Not so sure how I feel about it yet, but we'll see.

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