Friday, December 24, 2010

Update of my life and then, Christmas Adam :)

Update: I am so glad that I am done with my first semester of college. I passed math 1010 (barely) but I passed and that is the important part. I now have a job at and I love it! I work with my lovely sister who got me the job in the first place. The environment of the workplace is so great. It has a healthy amount of stress because it is a job, but its pretty chill and they put a lot of work into making it a place that people want to work. I'm lovin it!
Ever since I took a weight training class last semester, I have fallen in love with lifting weights so now one of my favorite places is Golds gym. That is second only to my couch watching Grey's Anatomy with my beloved mom! We spend so much time laughing and crying while watching that show. I love it!

Christmas Adam (Adam came before Eve;) )
So yesterday, I slept in :) I love that! And I woke up, finished memorizing The Living Christ to complete a challenge of a friend. Then I went to the gym and saw like 7 people that I know,
then I went to Ernie's and saw 3 more people that I know. Haha! Then I went to blockbuster and picked up another disc of Grey's Anatomy of course :) and then I went and visited my friend that just got surgery on his torn ACL. Then Wes came over to my house and played my guitar for a while and then we went to Farr's for some frozen yogurt and he beat me at my own game :( He and I made this game up in April where you stick the spoon to your nose and you have to try to blow it in the cup. I kicked his trash the first time we played, but yesterday must have been an off day or something because I couldn't do it!
Then I ditched him for my little blonde girls Kate and Penny! I love those kiddos! They came over and watched 2 very intense episodes of Grey's and then We had some hot Cocoa (notice the ice cream in front of penny)
Then we got sleepy, played the ugly face picture game for a while, facebook stalked people, watched a bunch of youtube videos and then made a FORT!! In case you haven't noticed, I like having sleepovers in forts! :)
And yes, those are footie PJ's I'm wearing! they have Sock Monkey on the feet. :)
So that was my Christmas Adam. I would say it was a day well spent :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010


K, so if you know me at all, you know I LOVE Tyrone Wells! Well, on Nov 1st, I got to go to his concert at the Velour in Provo. I went with Mark Garrett which was great! Mark saw one of his mission buddies in line who actually had access to 2 free tickets! Does it get any better? A little! Not only did I get to go see my favorite musician for FREE, but I got to meet him again just like last year! It was such a lovely experience! I love him so much! The local opener was Ryan Innes and he was really really good, and so fun to watch. The other openers that were on tour with Tyrone were okay, but they weren't as entertaining. It was a really great concert! I can't wait for his next album. He said it's coming out early next year! (Late Christmas present hint!) In the picture above, he is singing with his wife Elina. She's so beautiful! They have an album together that I'm not a very big fan of, but that doesn't lessen my love for Tyrone!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm In Miami!

Day 1/2: The Flight
So, our flight was around 12:30 in the afternoon but we had a lay-over in BALTIMORE so it took us a while to get to Ft. Lauderdale. Our flight to Baltimore was pretty uneventful, but the next flight made up for all of that. Since we flew via Southwest, we didn't have assigned seats, so we all moved up to the very front row of the plane so we could get off SUPER fast when the time was appropriate. Well when you sit on the front row, you don't have a chair in front of you to put your bag under so I had to put my backpack in an over-head compartment. It had my laptop and school stuff and scriptures in it. So, we were sitting in our front row seats watching people come in and it was like a parade. We saw all sorts of people come on, most of which were dressed pretty snazzy. Well, this one guy comes on the plane, and he wasn't with anyone else. He tried to put his bag in an over-head compartment where it wasn't going to fit, so he tried somewhere else, and that wasn't working, so he turned my backpack and pushed it to the back of the compartment and shoves his bag in, but it wasn't really fitting so he hit it with both hands 4 times, kept one hand on the bag to keep it in, and closed the compartment, all the while, smashing mine. Olivia leaned over to me and was like "when you get your backpack, drop his on the ground and step on it a few times." So I laughed at that and watched everyone else come on the plane. WELL about halfway through the flight, my mom was standing up so I asked her to get my scriptures out of my backpack, so she gently moved the guys bag and pulled mine out. When she pulled mine out, something dripped out of the compartment and onto my dads arm. Then came the fish smell. I looked at that guy's bag and I could see something seeping into the fabric of his bag around the seams. I was so mad! My bag reeked of fish and so did everything in it! I was kinda being rude and loud saying stuff like "What the heck was in his bag!? This is disgusting?!" and I'm sure he could hear me because he was sitting behind my dad but there was no reaction on his face. He was just kinda looking around as if nothing was going on anywhere. Then, when it was time to get off the plane, my family and I all jumped up and got our bags really fast so we could be the first people off the plane. Well, this guy had a similar goal. He grabbed his fish bag and stood RIGHT next to us. All the while my mom is freaking out saying "Daniel! He's going to touch me with the fish bag! Don't Touch Me!" and then a drop of the fish water/oil/whatever-it-was dripped on my mom's foot! She is super sensitive to smells so this experience was like twice as bad for her as it was for everyone, so some of you can picture my mom saying "The fish water dripped on my foot!" she was almost in tears but laughing hysterically! It was horrible and my bag and I smelled like fish for the rest of the night. :/

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween and in between!

So, the Monday before Halloween, my ward had a little costume party for FHE. I wasn't planning on going until after Rhett already left, I was sitting around in my sweats and had no make up on and I didn't have my hair done at all so I thought "I have the perfect idea for a costume!" so I put on a robe and put sponge curlers loosely in my hair and had the perfect Depressed-House-Mom costume. But then I realized I would be a little embarrassed like that because people in my ward don't really know me so it might not be as funny to them as it was to me. So instead, I was an 80's aerobics instructor or in other words Exercise Barbie! That was a really fun night!
On Saturday, I got in a crash. :( it wasnt very fun. I was approaching a stop light and the guy in front of me stopped abruptly, so I slammed on my breaks and didn't hit him! :) So right as I was taking my sigh of relief, I got rear-ended and pushed into the car in front of me. But the important thing is it wasn't my fault. and the even MORE important thing is, no one got hurt. :) but poor little Charlie (the car) isn't in very good shape! poor girl!

Immediately after dealing with all of that stuff, my parents and I went to my grandparents' house to see my cute little nephews in their costumes. Their whole family did Star Wars costumes. It was adorable! Adam was Hans Solo, Katie was Princess Leia, Sam was Darth Vader, and Jack was Luke Skywalker!Then, I went home and got in my costume and met up with Mark. We were Pocahontas and he was John Smith. It was kinda perfect! We didn't do a whole lot. We just went back to my grandparents house and visited with them. Then we met up with Greg and Bronson, Marks friends, at Arby's and then yeah. Those two went to a dance, so Mark and I went to his house and showed off our costumes to his family. That was pretty much it! Haha! It was a fun night none the less. Sorry there arent a lot of pictures. I'll post some more later!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Random everything and nothingness

Yesterday I did a lot of stuff but it seems like I did nothing. I started off the day doing laundry and kinda cleaning my room. At about noon I went to see Inception with Jenny Washburn at the dollar theater. We didnt even finish though because she had to go somewhere, but we saw most of it and we had both seen it before, so we're okay. After that, I was on my way to another friends house when I saw Hunter Riggs walking home from UVU, so I gave him a ride. We spent probably an hour sitting and talking about whatever, people from high school, what we are doing with our own lives, ballroom etc. It was lots of fun.Later, I was hungry but didn't want to eat by myself, so I called a few friends but they all had more important things to do and so I called my "little sis" Penny Mills. We went to Wendy's and got chicken nugget kids meals and sat in the car playing with our toys while we ate. The toy was "are you smarter than a 5th grader?" Turns out, I'm not. Then we went and bought candy bars because I wanted to.
When I got home, my nephews Sam and Jack were over. My brother and his wife went out so the boys spent the night. While they were eating dinner, my dad was showing them a game on his iPhone. They loved watching him! Those kids admire him so much and were laughing at everything he did!
Later, I drove around aimlessly which led me to the Provo temple. Haha! so I parked there and just looked at it for a while. Then I drove around calling people hoping to hang out with someone but everyone was already doing something, or they were at the MV/orem game which MV won by the way 33-0! Finally, I called Blake Burdge and asked him what he was up to. I met up with him, Joel and Amy at the mall and we played ping pong for a while until we went to Aubry Madsens apt. because she made sugar cookies and frosting. They were so good!! We sat around talking and laughing a TON and Joel tried to do his joker impersonation which he is supposedly really good at. He decided he needed a knife to do a good job though and got a little too crazy and "accidentally" flung the knife against the wall and it almost landed in Hunters leg. That was the extent of that day. They all went to see Toy Story 3 afterwards but I was sleepy so I went home with Blake, and Aubrey Bench.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

*-~Happy Birthday Olivia!~-*

Today is my older sister, Olivia's birthday!
Happy Birthday Libby! This is a picture of her 22 years ago today!

Olivia has been my role model my whole life! She is such a great example of how to be responsible and still live life!

She has helped me with so many things. The other day, I was looking through my very first journal ever. I got it before I could write for myself, so Olivia would sit down with me, read the questions and write down my answers for me. She has always been such a great pal and has taught me so many fun games and tricks. Most importantly, she has been able to put up with my irrational not-wanting-to-learn-new-things and has found ways to get around that. Olivia, remember that one time I didn't want to learn how to play a certain game, so you asked me if I wanted to play a game called Key. I agreed to learn that game and loved it, then it turned out to be the game I didn't want to learn.

She has taught me so much about life and still continues to give me pointers. I remember the night before my very first day of first grade. I was so excited but I was a little nervous because I didnt know how it was all going to work, like getting lunch. We were laying in bed and she was coaching me through lunch, telling me what milk to get, to not get Hawaiian haystack, etc.

She has always been so considerate of everything that is important to everyone. This is a picture of the day of my graduation. She flew up from Arizona to see me graduate because she knew it would be important to me. Really? Who does that? My lovely sister. That's who!

Happy birthday Olivia! I love you so much!

Monday, October 18, 2010

UPDATE: Not so good at it, School, Time consumers Etc.

So, I "decided" that i would start posting on my blog. I know i have said this before, but I will make a little more of an effort considering i check my families blogs a lot hoping they would add something, they're probably very displeased with my slackerness.

So here is my update. I am going to UVU even though i said i was going to be going to Dixie, so go Wolverines i guess? haha! I'm taking some random classes, but it's not so bad. I'm in a volleyball class that I LOVE! There are so many fun people in that class and I've actually made friends!On the other side of the spectrum of school, I spend a lot of time with this ugly little Devil (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

when the HECK will ANYONE EVER use this? EVER? if you can give me one example that doesn't involve further education or tricking your friends, you'll be my hero!
I have also been spending a lot of time with Mark. :) In case you haven't seen or talked to me in the past while, I like him, lots. Pretty sure all of my friends or anyone that would even glance at this blog, already knows that though. Oh well, thought I should mention it since he's pretty much the only person I'm not related to that I see lately.

Lately, I have been on an Anberlin kick. They help me get through my hours and HOURS of Mathematics that I have to do. This kick has been lasting a surprisingly long time though. They have a lot of REALLY good songs that I have looked over for years while only listening to the popular-ish songs like A Day Late, Paperthin Hymn, Time & Confusion, and Feel Good Drag. Songs of theirs that I now love are: Audrey Start the Revolution, The Unwinding Cable Car, Adelaide, Alexithymia, Hello Alone, and i absolutely LOVE their cover of There Is A Light That Never Goes Out - by The Smiths.
Thats All for now!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


So, I decided that since i have now graduated, I will start posting on my blog now that I might have a life and I am away from my family and will be away fro him home for college, so the people that I usually am with, won't know what is going on in my life. so I will blog about it! :)

I bet most of you still can't believe that I am all done with high school! I am now alumni of Moutnain View High School!

After graduation, we had the Sen10r all nighter of course! It was great fun! I got hypnotized along with like 15-20 other students. It was funny to hear all the stories and gradually remember it all. It was pretty dream like, but the videos are priceless!

I took my friends Kiersten Wennerholm and Heather Peterson down to the condo for the week. It was way fun! But my camera broke when i got hypnotized and heather forgot hers. So we don't have any pics of all 3 of us, but this picture is of Kiersten and me and all the boys that we met. They were staying in the building right across the street from my condo and so we hung out with them and took them on the red rock springs hike. Unfortunately,there was construction going on at that time, so they blocked the water so there was no running water. Plus, there was no where to park, so the kind lady in the pink, gave us all a ride up and back in her truck. What a saint!