Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm In Miami!

Day 1/2: The Flight
So, our flight was around 12:30 in the afternoon but we had a lay-over in BALTIMORE so it took us a while to get to Ft. Lauderdale. Our flight to Baltimore was pretty uneventful, but the next flight made up for all of that. Since we flew via Southwest, we didn't have assigned seats, so we all moved up to the very front row of the plane so we could get off SUPER fast when the time was appropriate. Well when you sit on the front row, you don't have a chair in front of you to put your bag under so I had to put my backpack in an over-head compartment. It had my laptop and school stuff and scriptures in it. So, we were sitting in our front row seats watching people come in and it was like a parade. We saw all sorts of people come on, most of which were dressed pretty snazzy. Well, this one guy comes on the plane, and he wasn't with anyone else. He tried to put his bag in an over-head compartment where it wasn't going to fit, so he tried somewhere else, and that wasn't working, so he turned my backpack and pushed it to the back of the compartment and shoves his bag in, but it wasn't really fitting so he hit it with both hands 4 times, kept one hand on the bag to keep it in, and closed the compartment, all the while, smashing mine. Olivia leaned over to me and was like "when you get your backpack, drop his on the ground and step on it a few times." So I laughed at that and watched everyone else come on the plane. WELL about halfway through the flight, my mom was standing up so I asked her to get my scriptures out of my backpack, so she gently moved the guys bag and pulled mine out. When she pulled mine out, something dripped out of the compartment and onto my dads arm. Then came the fish smell. I looked at that guy's bag and I could see something seeping into the fabric of his bag around the seams. I was so mad! My bag reeked of fish and so did everything in it! I was kinda being rude and loud saying stuff like "What the heck was in his bag!? This is disgusting?!" and I'm sure he could hear me because he was sitting behind my dad but there was no reaction on his face. He was just kinda looking around as if nothing was going on anywhere. Then, when it was time to get off the plane, my family and I all jumped up and got our bags really fast so we could be the first people off the plane. Well, this guy had a similar goal. He grabbed his fish bag and stood RIGHT next to us. All the while my mom is freaking out saying "Daniel! He's going to touch me with the fish bag! Don't Touch Me!" and then a drop of the fish water/oil/whatever-it-was dripped on my mom's foot! She is super sensitive to smells so this experience was like twice as bad for her as it was for everyone, so some of you can picture my mom saying "The fish water dripped on my foot!" she was almost in tears but laughing hysterically! It was horrible and my bag and I smelled like fish for the rest of the night. :/

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