Monday, October 18, 2010

UPDATE: Not so good at it, School, Time consumers Etc.

So, I "decided" that i would start posting on my blog. I know i have said this before, but I will make a little more of an effort considering i check my families blogs a lot hoping they would add something, they're probably very displeased with my slackerness.

So here is my update. I am going to UVU even though i said i was going to be going to Dixie, so go Wolverines i guess? haha! I'm taking some random classes, but it's not so bad. I'm in a volleyball class that I LOVE! There are so many fun people in that class and I've actually made friends!On the other side of the spectrum of school, I spend a lot of time with this ugly little Devil (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

when the HECK will ANYONE EVER use this? EVER? if you can give me one example that doesn't involve further education or tricking your friends, you'll be my hero!
I have also been spending a lot of time with Mark. :) In case you haven't seen or talked to me in the past while, I like him, lots. Pretty sure all of my friends or anyone that would even glance at this blog, already knows that though. Oh well, thought I should mention it since he's pretty much the only person I'm not related to that I see lately.

Lately, I have been on an Anberlin kick. They help me get through my hours and HOURS of Mathematics that I have to do. This kick has been lasting a surprisingly long time though. They have a lot of REALLY good songs that I have looked over for years while only listening to the popular-ish songs like A Day Late, Paperthin Hymn, Time & Confusion, and Feel Good Drag. Songs of theirs that I now love are: Audrey Start the Revolution, The Unwinding Cable Car, Adelaide, Alexithymia, Hello Alone, and i absolutely LOVE their cover of There Is A Light That Never Goes Out - by The Smiths.
Thats All for now!


  1. Did you know I went to see them two weeks ago?

  2. NO! I am so jealous! Was it at the Half-A show? I knew they came, but I didn't have anyone to go with!
