Anyway, with the beauty of the lightning, and all the light streaming through the window, there was NO way I was going to be sleeping through that so I texted some friends Gordon Steele and Zach Steele, (They are cousins of each others and they are both cousins of the steele fam that we know) to see if they wanted to watch the storm with me, and they did! So, I asked them to come pick me up and we went and picked up another girl named heather.
Then we went by the lake, told scary stories and watched the storm. I was so scared though when Gordons car wouldnt start for like ten min because it started to fit perfectly into a scary story that I had JUST told, but it started eventually and we were all safe. It was a lot of fun actually. I dont know why but I have a love for lightning. I just think it's so facinating and pretty.
Well, I got hope pretty dang late and got very little sleep. especially since one of the stories had to do with someone taking pictures of someone else who was sleeping (creepy) and the flashing lightning made me feel like my picture was being taken. So I slept through both of my alarms and woke up at 7:40 to my darling mother opening my door, and I was still on time for work at 8. I have been so sleepy all day though, until I finally decided to splurge and buy a Diet Coke. That has been my best friend all day. :)