Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fin de Julio

I went swimming at the Jenkins with some friends,

Then I went to the midnight showing of the last Harry Potter movie with Arielle, Alexis, Alexis’ boyfriend Matthew, and her roommate Andrea. We got bored waiting and waiting, but we turned it into a fun time! (for more pics, check my facebook)

Then on the 15th I went to St. George with Arielle, we met up with Heather who stayed with us at the Condo. She lives down there because she is going to Dixie. We had SO much fun.  

My favorite thing to do in SG

 This picture is funny because we crossed this bridge to get to the spot where we took the above picture, but Arielle did NOT remember this on the way back. She was too scared to walk across the bridge and insisted that there must be another way.
 Look at the little buddy we found!
 What a cute couple!
 Peace and serenity.
Heather came back to Orem with us to visit her family and stuff. It was nice and we made great time on the way home. Even with all the construction.

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