Thursday, August 25, 2011

The past 2 weeks

I have been super duper busy the past two weeks. Here is why:
     On the 7th of August, I got a third calling, that's right, three callings. Before then I was the ward chorister, and I was a librarian. I am now also the Relief Society Meetings Coordinator. That means that I am in charge of all of the relief society activities or meetings that aren't Sunday meetings. WELL, that calling put me in charge of a relief society camp-out that was on the 18th and 19th. So I had a week and a half to plan a camp out, and I had to plan pretty much the entire thing. The only thing they had planned in advance was when and where.
     Well, after a lot of thinking, planning, shopping, and praying, the camp-out came. It went better than expected. We didn't have a large turn-out, but I didn't expect one because no one made the camp-out a big deal. It was mentioned in relief society, but not with details. Anyway, I think it turned out to be a pretty positive experience for those who went. There were only seven girls that spent the night including myself, but two girls came up on Thursday evening and left when we all started getting ready for bed. I feel like those who went got to know each other on a new level. For me, that was a pretty big deal because I have had trouble adjusting to this ward, but I got to get to know these girls and have some laughs. It was nice.

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