Friday, August 5, 2011

I'm really bad at this Blogging thing. Sorry!

   SO! July was fun and pretty random. I did a lot of family stuff. Especially while Brad and Cynthia and their kids were here. But you all already know about all of that, so I will post you on the things that I have been up to since.

I went to Seven Peaks with Arielle.

Had a little camp out with the Mills girls in their back yard. Nick helped us make our fire, and then stuck around until we put it out. I think he was worried about our fire capabilities.
     Had a dance party in a parking lot with Noah, Arielle, and Heather. Arielle Heather and I became good friends at the end of our senior year (actually, Arielle and Heather were already really good friends and they welcomed me in) and we hadn't done anything all three of us since then until this. It was a lot of fun. Here is a little video that Noah made of us dancing in random places around Orem. Click on this link to watch it. 

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