Friday, January 14, 2011

TOP 5!

Okay, so in FRIENDS (my favorite show) there is an episode where everyone makes a list of 5 celebrities that they could sleep with if they met them and their boy/girlfriend can't get mad. So almost everyone in my family made their top 5 so I am making mine! My first three are SOLID but the last two I just changed like I said I probably would one of these days. A.k.a. 2 or 3 days later.
Number 1- Ryan Reynolds
He's so fine! EVERY picture of him makes me fall in love!

Number 2- Eric Dane, A.K.A: Mark Sloan, A.K.A: McSteamy
My mom and I watch a hefty amount of Grey's Anatomy and every time he comes on I lose my concentration!

Number 3-Zac EfronI have more of a chance with Zac Efron cuz Vanessa Dugens used to be his girlfriend and people say I look just like her. I Loved when he was in 17 again and he tells the bully off and then winks, It takes my breath away. He's so beautiful! I want to marry him!

#4 Josh Duhamel
He's just dreamy, isn't he?

and now #5 is: Rick Fox

I just think he is outstandingly handsome. Anyone else?


  1. Does it bother you at all that Jake Gyllenhaal is on Katie's list? (I think he looks a little like me).

  2. Good picks! Before I started watching Grey's all I ever heard about was Patrick Dempsy. Then Eric Dane came on the screen, Patrick who!? He is hot.

  3. Hahaha! Seriously! Patrick Dempsy looks like an elf next to Eric Dane.
