So, the Monday before Halloween, my ward had a little costume party for FHE. I wasn't planning on going until after Rhett already left, I was sitting around in my sweats and had no make up on and I didn't have my hair done at all so I thought "I have the perfect idea for a costume!" so I put on a robe and put sponge curlers loosely in my hair and had the perfect Depressed-House-Mom costume. But then I realized I would be a little embarrassed like that because people in my ward don't really know me so it might not be as funny to them as it was to me. So instead, I was an 80's aerobics instructor or in other words Exercise Barbie! That was a really fun night!
On Saturday, I got in a crash. :( it wasnt very fun. I was approaching a stop light and the guy in front of me stopped abruptly, so I slammed on my breaks and didn't hit him! :) So right as I was taking my sigh of relief, I got rear-ended and pushed into the car in front of me. But the important thing is it wasn't my fault. and the even MORE important thing is, no one got hurt. :) but poor little Charlie (the car) isn't in very good shape! poor girl!

Immediately after dealing with all of that stuff, my parents and I went to my grandparents' house to see my cute little nephews in their costumes. Their whole family did Star Wars costumes. It was adorable! Adam was Hans Solo, Katie was Princess Leia, Sam was Darth Vader, and Jack was Luke Skywalker!Then, I went home and got in my costume and met up with Mark. We were Pocahontas and he was John Smith. It was kinda perfect! We didn't do a whole lot. We just went back to my grandparents house and visited with them. Then we met up with Greg and Bronson, Marks friends, at Arby's and then yeah. Those two went to a dance, so Mark and I went to his house and showed off our costumes to his family. That was pretty much it! Haha! It was a fun night none the less. Sorry there arent a lot of pictures. I'll post some more later!
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