Happy Birthday Libby! This is a picture of her 22 years ago today!

Olivia has been my role model my whole life! She is such a great example of how to be responsible and still live life!
She has helped me with so many things. The other day, I was looking through my very first journal ever. I got it before I could write for myself, so Olivia would sit down with me, read the questions and write down my answers for me. She has always been such a great pal and has taught me so many fun games and tricks. Most importantly, she has been able to put up with my irrational not-wanting-to-learn-new-things and has found ways to get around that. Olivia, remember that one time I didn't want to learn how to play a certain game, so you asked me if I wanted to play a game called Key. I agreed to learn that game and loved it, then it turned out to be the game I didn't want to learn.

She has taught me so much about life and still continues to give me pointers. I remember the night before my very first day of first grade. I was so excited but I was a little nervous because I didnt know how it was all going to work, like getting lunch. We were laying in bed and she was coaching me through lunch, telling me what milk to get, to not get Hawaiian haystack, etc.
She has always been so considerate of everything that is important to everyone. This is a picture of the day of my graduation. She flew up from Arizona to see me graduate because she knew it would be important to me. Really? Who does that? My lovely sister. That's who!
Happy birthday Olivia! I love you so much!
Ha ha ha Key! That's so funny! I am glad you remember that still. I love you too Beanie! Thanks so much :)