Monday, June 22, 2009

Just like old times, but different.

Kate, Penny and i took pictures around UVU

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ballroom From a While ago.

I figure that most, if not all of the people that follow my blog, are people that live in Arizona and missed my ballroom concert, so i have videos of my performances, thanks to my momma!

This is a solo that Josh Littlefield and I had. It is a Quickstep and it is really short because it was just supposed to be a team match number for a competition. But the competition got canceled...


So, it has been a while since I have posted. I got a job at the Snowie Shack by Gunnies in Orem. I'll post a picture of it later. It's a pretty easy job, but it just gets so annoying. I get as many snow cones as I want while I work, but that can also be a bad thing cuz then I have to go to the bathroom! Haha! The weather has not been good one time that I have worked. But it is pretty chill and you make pretty decent tips as well.
This passed Saturday, I went disco skating with (from left to right) Sydney Willis, Kate Mills and Jessie Brown.