So, June was nice! On the 6th, I went to New York with my mom and Rhett. It was a lot of fun. We spent the 7th walking around doing general touristy things, then on the 8th we went to the Jimmy Fallon show. It was so much fun! On the 9th we did a little shopping and then went to the airport. That is where the real story comes in. We got to the airport just after 2:00 p.m. and there was a really long line to check luggage. When we were waiting in line, we had the joy of being entertained by a little chubby boy (about 3 years old?) in a black wife beater. He started off by rolling around on the floor, taking off his shoes, spinning while laying on the ground etc. I was so grossed out wondering why his mom would let him touch the nasty airport ground. Then he started running! He was running through the people and the mom didn't even watch him. She just stood there talking to her mom. He was weaving in and out of the people in the line dodging legs and jumping over luggage. I thought it was hilarious. When we finally got to the front of the line, we learned that our flight had been delayed by about 4 hours I think. maybe 6.

So we went to our gate and my mom joined us affter her little run-in with Chauncey Billups. We sat and waited and tried to sleep, listened to music, played games on our phones, and wishing so badly that I had brought my guitar. Anything to kill the time. Luckily the little boy was at the same gate. He would run really far away from his dad who was sitting on the ground, turn around, scrape his feet on the ground like a bull, and run as fast as his chubby little legs would carry him. His dad would catch him and kinda toss him in the air. Then we finally got on the plane at 11 p.m. While we were waiting in line to board, we had a grumpy man behind us who looked just like this:
Anyway, he was standing behind us saying "This airline is NEVER getting my business again. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever." And this was after a few nice ladies told him off explaining that it wasn't the airlines fault.
Well after the grueling, sleepless (for me) plane ride, (too bad the chubby boy was sleeping) we arrived in AZ. Having missed our connecting flight, we had some paradise bakery for "breakfast?" is it breakfast at 3 a.m.? Anyway, while we were there, we had the joy of watching a lady taking pictures of her sleeping son and husband. She thought it was hilarious! She put a cup in her husbands hand to make it look like he was holding it when he fell asleep because he was sitting up. Afterwards, she sat down and was flipping through the pictures cracking up. She thought she was the funniest thing in the world! Then we went downstairs and waited for it to be time to get in line to check our bags. We were trying to get comfortable when I realized: "We have an inflatable mattress in our bag! Why don't we inflate it?" Rhett also saw this as a brilliant idea, but Mom wouldn't okay it. She thought it would be trashy looking or something. I personally couldn't have cared less. So instead we lied in the middle of the floor and waited for 5 a.m. to roll around. Well the rest of the story was kind of uneventful, but we got home safely and really tired.