I bet most of you still can't believe that I am all done with high school! I am now alumni of Moutnain View High School!
After graduation, we had the Sen10r all nighter of course! It was great fun! I got hypnotized along with like 15-20 other students. It was funny to hear all the stories and gradually remember it all. It was pretty dream like, but the videos are priceless!

I took my friends Kiersten Wennerholm and Heather Peterson down to the condo for the week. It was way fun! But my camera broke when i got hypnotized and heather forgot hers. So we don't have any pics of all 3 of us, but this picture is of Kiersten and me and all the boys that we met. They were staying in the building right across the street from my condo and so we hung out with them and took them on the red rock springs hike. Unfortunately,there was construction going on at that time, so they blocked the water so there was no running water. Plus, there was no where to park, so the kind lady in the pink, gave us all a ride up and back in her truck. What a saint!