Monday, June 22, 2009

Just like old times, but different.

Kate, Penny and i took pictures around UVU

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ballroom From a While ago.

I figure that most, if not all of the people that follow my blog, are people that live in Arizona and missed my ballroom concert, so i have videos of my performances, thanks to my momma!

This is a solo that Josh Littlefield and I had. It is a Quickstep and it is really short because it was just supposed to be a team match number for a competition. But the competition got canceled...


So, it has been a while since I have posted. I got a job at the Snowie Shack by Gunnies in Orem. I'll post a picture of it later. It's a pretty easy job, but it just gets so annoying. I get as many snow cones as I want while I work, but that can also be a bad thing cuz then I have to go to the bathroom! Haha! The weather has not been good one time that I have worked. But it is pretty chill and you make pretty decent tips as well.
This passed Saturday, I went disco skating with (from left to right) Sydney Willis, Kate Mills and Jessie Brown.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Choir tour.

In my school, i am part of a choir called A Capella. every year they go on a tour. This year we went to Washington DC. We went to a ton if different sites and museums. We went on a tour of the white house where most of the people got to see Obama. CRAZY! Other places we went were China town which was really lame! We went to the air and space museum, a bunch of other Smithsonians, a tour of the Capitol, the Library of Congress. And one of my favorite places was the Holocaust Museum. We only got an hour and a half to go through it and i only got half way through. We also got to sing in the National Shrine Cathedral which was WAY cool! It was quite the trip. I LOVED IT! End of story.