Friday, October 28, 2011


I miss.....
  • Having sunshine from 7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
  • Warm enough weather to wear shorts
  • Being warm without a jacket
  • Summer
  • Laying out
  • Scooter-riding weather
  • Arielle Harrison
  • Working only 3 days/week and spending the other 3 days at the gym
  • The way I looked and felt when I was doing the previous
  • Kate Darowski and Racheal Curley (a lot! Especially right now!)
  • Effron Fridays
  • Having fun at work
  • Eating whatever I want, whenever I want and not being affected it any way
  • Watching multiple episodes of Grey's Anatomy every night with my mom
  • My mom
  • Making forts for sleep overs with my blondie girls
  • My blondie girls (K'annie and Penny)
  • Did I mention Summer?
Well There isn't really a point to this post, it's just a list. Here's another list...

WINTER IS SO CLOSE! (angry, not excited)

  • No allergies
  • Christmas lights
  • Cute winter clothes
  • Snowball fights
  • Hot chocolate
  • All encompassing Christmasness
  • Fireplace Cozies
  • Always have a cold
  • Being cold
  • No sun
  • Getting out of my warm bed
  • Driving in the snow
  • Being cold
  • Having to put on shoes to go outside (even just to get the mail)
  • When you put on your clothes and they make you colder because they're cold
  • Scraping windshield
  • Being cold in general
  • Always tired
  • Less motivated to do anything
  • It lasts WAY TOO LONG
  • Being cold
  • Can't/wont run outside
  • Having to take 5 min to bundle up before going out the door
  • Still being freezing after bundling up
  • Being cold
Clearly not a fan of the winter time

NOW new things in my life that I appreciate!
  • Gordon
  • Kiersten having enough time for me again
  • Having Joseph and Kasey sit with us at work
  • Cameron, Danny, and Zach (in alphabetical order)
  • Being back in my gym habit after 2 months (sheesh I got really out of shape)
  • The fact that my parents are letting me buy the Civic from them
  • Making more money
  • That today at work is slower (yesterday was crazy!)
  • Skyler being a Zumba instructor
  • The way my hair has been looking even though I haven't done my hair in weeks thanks to the way that Gina Luke cut it.
  • My kick of watching The Office
  • The insane amount of laughter I have experienced in the past 24 hours
Life really ain't so bad. :)