Friday, September 30, 2011


So, I think you have learned better than to expect frequent posting from me. Here is an update. The past couple of months, I have spent an immense amount of time with the following: (in alphabetical order) Ancestry (work), Friends/Gordon, Guitar, and last but SURELY not least Pinterest!

       This is where I work. I take calls for the 1800 number. I am now working full time and am not taking any classes this semester, but I do plan on taking a few next semester while still working full-time. Having benefits will be a really good thing for me. Anyway, no, it's not the most glamorous job in the world. Frankly, knowing I have to get up and go to work makes me cringe a little bit every morning, but I have a feeling it won't be any different with any other job I have. I just don't like working. But then there's pay-day. :) Love that! Best 2 days of the month!
     Friends! I went to Lagoon with Arielle a few weekends ago. She got to go for free with a guest because Alexis works for Nu Skin and they rented out the park for the employees. It was CLEARLY a blast! We went on wicked 5x in a row. Yes, in a row. We got off the ride and ran right back to the end of the line. We ended up making friends with the boy who assigned seats. His name was Ralphy. :) It was so fun but also SO nauseating! The samurai was closed which was a bummer because that is what we were going to go on first, just to keep my streak up. This trip to lagoon was my first one where I didn't go on the Samurai first. But we clearly made up for that! Who wouldda thought I would ever like roller coasters? Not me, but I do! 
     Kiersten and I have had many-a late-night chats lately. It has been really fun! When we are both done with our nights, one of us with go to the others house (she usually comes over here) and we will sit in someones car and talk for hours! It's fun! We say hilarious things!
     Another group of friends and I spend many nights at....... dennys...
No, I'm not kidding. I feel so ashamed. The worst part is one time I ate this......
Yes, that is the Big Daddy Patty. It is kinda a grilled cheese meets ham burger meets Mac and cheese. Luckily, I ate it in the morning so I had time to burn the calories, and more luckily, I only ate half of it. You guys dont even understand how much I regret eating it, but you might once you see this...
YEEsh. I apologize to all of you!  But I will never do it again! I promise!
        I am going to go ahead and clump Gordon and guitar into the same thing because it's almost rare to have one without the other. This is what we do when we are bored, and it's really how we became friends. He and I are in the same ward which is how we initially met, but then he started coming to the open mic night that I used to go to every week. So I suggested that he and I sing and play together sometime, so with no more than 5 min of prep, we sang Green Eyes by Cold play that night and decided to keep singing together, we had a lot of fun while practicing during the summer and then we just started hanging out literally every day. Tonight we were supposed to go perform at his friends back yard concert thing, but that didn't really end up happening which is why I am taking the time to post on my blog.

And well Pinterest is the best. Nuff said!