Thursday, April 14, 2011

So, I was just talking to my parents and I realized something. I noticed that I was feeling glum because I didn't get all I wanted out of the past year. Like I didn't do much with the last year of my life and my dad asked me what I expected out of this year and I didn't know what to say. Now I know what was bugging me. I'm single.  Pathetic huh? I let the fact that I am single bum me out on my birthday. that is so messed up. I have always been a little boy crazy, but I didn't know that it was going to be a problem as I get older. That's when I realized what my goal is going to be for the next year. NO it is NOT to get a boyfriend. It is to set "boys" at a lower priority level. like bottom of the list. In the past year, I put so much energy into dating, and I put so much emotion into caring about guys and whether they liked me or not. Like it sickens me to read my journals because that is all they are about. It's really dumb.
     anyway, I'm not totally going to avoid dating, (like I'm not going to say no to everyone that asks me on a date for a whole year) But I'm not going to go seeking opportunities like I used to. I have put myself out there so many times, I've asked guys on dates, I've been the one to make the first contact with a lot of people and it's just dumb. You're probably wondering why I put this on my blog. Why would I say all of this in public? mostly because I am just a very straight forward person, and because I could use support. If my close friends and family know what my goals are, they can help me out. SO, the things that I do want to do this year are as follows:
(In no particular order)
-prepare for my future (mission, family etc.) by earning and saving money. I want to have at LEAST $10,000 in my bank account before I'm 20. I know that might not seem like much, but if you knew where I was starting, you'd understand.
-I want to visit my nieces and nephews in Arizona quarterly. I haven't been down there for 5 months. I'm going down in May, and I need to go more frequently.
-Take better care of myself. Go to the gym at LEAST 3 times per week. ideally, 5 times, but we all have lives.
- Keep going with my weekly temple visits. 
- Finish the Book Of Mormon and read it again.
- Write in my journal weekly. (And not about boys)

Anyway, that's it. I would love any support anyone has to offer. Even if it is moral support, still I appreciate it. Wish me luck! :)